Change your Microsoft 365 password to keep your account secure.
Watch a video about how to change your Microsoft Office 365 password or follow the instructions below.
- Go to
- Click on Faculty/Staff email link at top of page.
- Login email (
- Click the circle icon on top right of page. Your initials or photo will be inside the icon.
- Click View Account.
- Click on Password on the left side.
- Reset Password.
- Password must be between 8-14 characters
- Password must contain:
- 1 Capital
- 1 lowercase
- 1 number
- 1 Symbol
- Below are some special characters that may cause issues. The underbar (_), dash/hyphen (-) and dollar sign ($) are typically safe special characters.
- @ At symbol
- , comma
- & Ampersand
- # Pound Sign
- = Equals
- * Asterisk
- > Greater Than
- ‘ Apostrophe or Single Quotation Mark
- >= Greater Than or Equal To
- . Period
- < Less Than
- % Percent Sign
- <= Less Than or Equal To
- " Double Quotation Mark