How do I Connect to the Polk State College VPN?


Remote access to the organization's network is available by connecting your device with Global Connect VPN Client. Click on the appropriate link below to get started. Once the application is installed, you may login with your Polk State username and password. 


Installation steps

Start by opening your browser and navigating to, or simply clicking the link. When prompted, sign in with your Polk State username and password and download the appropriate version of the Global Connect Client. Install the application.

Connection steps

  1. Launch the Global Connect Client.
  2. Verify that is in the Please enter portal address field.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Login with your Polk State username and password and click OK.

Disconnection steps

  1. Click on the Global Connect Client icon (in the System Tray or Dock).
  2. Click Disconnect.


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Thu 9/7/23 9:03 AM
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